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  • Building Sites for Local Government

    As a leader in web design for local government, the sites I build for CivicPlus reach millions of users and follow strict standards of accessibility and adaptability for a variety of devices. The daily utilization of coding has led me to cultivate my skills as a web developer and designer over the past year.

  • Responsive Design

    Every site I build is tested for responsiveness across all types of devices, and involves the use of tools such media queries and CSS grid to adapt to various screen dimensions and aspect ratios. Consequently, I am deeply familiarized with the display needs of most devices along with the compatibility of every browser in regards to support for code.

  • Skills on the Job

    As a result of the custom nature of our sites, every website is coded structurally with HTML and utilizes CSS and JavaScript to achieve a design's functionality. I typically work from designs created in Photoshop along with exported assets, but will also sometimes build a site directly on the browser. My dedication to professional development has allowed me to take supplemental classes on coding languages and APIs such as jQuery and React.

    Aside from coding skills, I have also learned about server side components and regularly perform tasks such as DNS transfers and working with SQL databases. The use of these skills has enabled me to become fully aware of the processes behind web applications and an overall appreciation for online functionality.

    All things considered, CivicPlus has offered me many opportunities to grow my creative skills, even contribute my love for illustration!

  • Series of illustrations I created for the CivicPlus careers site.
    Fire Equipment Catalogs

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